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Journalist and author
The Line of Thought
. . . to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream.
--Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

Deborah Yaffe
Jan 2
Celebration, by any name
A 250th birthday goes by many names . It can be called a semiquincentennial, a sestercentennial, a quarter millennial--even a...

Deborah Yaffe
Nov 21, 2024
Crossover artist
Jane Austen is the ultimate crossover artist, with an unchallenged position in both literary studies and popular culture. (Hey, didn’t...

Deborah Yaffe
Aug 11, 2022
Still talking
It’s never a bad time to talk about Persuasion–really, what are you doing that’s more important?--but right now may be an especially good...

Deborah Yaffe
May 13, 2020
Literature in lockdown
Like everyone else, the Janeite community has been battered by pandemic and lockdown, with iconic tourist sites closed and financially...

Deborah Yaffe
May 3, 2020
Bummer :-(
When Elinor Dashwood learns (as she thinks) that the love of her life, Edward Ferrars, has finally married his longtime fiancée, she is...

Deborah Yaffe
Oct 2, 2019
Forty years and counting
It’s that time again, Janeites: The Jane Austen Society of North America is holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) over the next four...

Deborah Yaffe
Jan 1, 2018
Worldwide Jane in 2018
Once upon a time, Jane Austen was a British writer. But today, she’s an international phenomenon, with fan societies on at least five...

Deborah Yaffe
Apr 16, 2017
Bicentenary envy
The year 2017 brings two severe trials for American Janeites. The first is our inevitable sadness at marking the bicentenary of Jane...

Deborah Yaffe
Jan 2, 2017
A whirlwind new year for Janeites
Happy new year, Janeites! For us fans of Jane Austen, 2017 is a big year, the biggest since – well, since 2013, when we celebrated the...

Deborah Yaffe
Oct 19, 2016
JASNA, Emma, and D.C.
By the time you read this, I’ll be on my way to Washington, D.C., to attend the Jane Austen Society of North America’s thirty-eighth...

Deborah Yaffe
Apr 13, 2016
Jane Austen Day in Philly
The Eastern Pennsylvania Region of the Jane Austen Society of North America is, as my inbox can attest, a busy and ambitious group. Their...

Deborah Yaffe
Jan 1, 2015
A Jane Austen year
Jane Austen isn't just everywhere; she's all the time. After a busy year celebrating Mansfield Park's two hundredth anniversary,...
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