Deborah YaffeNov 13, 2017Cataloging the gardenOver the nearly five years I’ve been blogging about Jane Austen, Jane Austen’s House Museum -- aka Chawton cottage, the beloved...
Deborah YaffeOct 4, 2017Teatime in HampshireFor many Janeites, a visit to Jane Austen’s House Museum in Chawton, England, is incomplete without a stop at Cassandra’s Cup, the...
Deborah YaffeJul 12, 2017Such art as hersFor visitors to Jane Austen’s House Museum -- aka Chawton cottage -- where Austen spent the last eight years of her life and wrote or...
Deborah YaffeMay 31, 2017A rose is a roseI love the idea of gardening – fresh air! Closeness to nature! The magic of growth and change! I love the results of gardening --...
Deborah YaffeMay 28, 2017Holiday break in Austen countryAny plans late next month? No? Then head over to the web site of Jane Austen 200 – the clearinghouse for events scheduled this year in...
Deborah YaffeMay 17, 2017Tragic forty-oneForty-one is a tragic number for Janeites – the all-too-young age at which Jane Austen left this world exactly two centuries ago, at the...
Deborah YaffeApr 2, 2017Tending the Austen flameJane Austen’s books feature plenty of quietly competent women going about their work with minimal fuss – and, sometimes, minimal...
Deborah YaffeMar 2, 2017Floor-to-ceiling AustenThe curators of Jane Austen’s House Museum in Chawton are hard at work freshening the place up for this year’s commemoration of the...
Deborah YaffeDec 8, 2016Jane's fundraisingAs every homeowner knows, the passage of time can wreak havoc on even the best-constructed building. Paint peels, window frames warp,...
Deborah YaffeAug 24, 2016Austen must-seesI am, of course, aware that online listicles with titles like “22 Places in the UK That Are a Must-See for Jane Austen Fans” are silly...
Deborah YaffeJul 6, 2016Worldwide Janeite partyingAs summer weeks go, the week ahead is looking pretty good for Jane Austen fans: * Tomorrow and Saturday, the Janeites of Port Alberni, in...
Deborah YaffeMay 3, 2015Cassandra's griefCassandra Austen gets a bad rap from Janeites. As I’ve noted before, many of us just can’t forgive her for burning who-knows-how-many of...