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Journalist and author
The Line of Thought
. . . to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream.
--Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

Deborah Yaffe
Feb 1, 2018
More reasons to visit Chawton
The most beloved Austen site in England -- Jane Austen’s House Museum, aka Chawton Cottage, the Hampshire home where Austen wrote or...

Deborah Yaffe
Jan 1, 2018
Worldwide Jane in 2018
Once upon a time, Jane Austen was a British writer. But today, she’s an international phenomenon, with fan societies on at least five...

Deborah Yaffe
Dec 14, 2017
Another Austen anniversary
The year marking the bicentenary of Jane Austen’s death is almost over, but one more major Austen anniversary lies ahead of us: 2018 is...

Deborah Yaffe
Oct 15, 2017
Men who won't take no for an answer
Jane Austen anticipates current events in Hollywood: Northanger Abbey, ch. 15: “ ‘Did you ever hear the old song ‘Going to One Wedding...

Deborah Yaffe
Jul 26, 2017
I marked the bicentenary of Jane Austen’s death last week in rather prosaic fashion: giving my house an all-too-infrequent thorough...

Deborah Yaffe
Mar 22, 2017
Weaving Austen-fabric
Regular blog readers will recall that I find the very concept of “Jane Austen-inspired” smells, flavors, and visuals – as in Austen...

Deborah Yaffe
Jan 21, 2016
Five, six -- who's counting?
So I’m reading along in my book of the moment -- Sisters in Law, Linda Hirshman’s interesting joint biography of Sandra Day O’Connor and...

Deborah Yaffe
Apr 15, 2015
The Austen Fiasco?
Halfway to the finish line, the Austen Project is looking increasingly like the Austen Fiasco. The Austen Project, as you may recall, is...

Deborah Yaffe
Sep 10, 2014
Another brick in the wall
Was it just last month that I was pointing out the folly of banging my head against the brick wall of inaccurate Austen quotation? Yes,...

Deborah Yaffe
Apr 13, 2014
Pet Jane Austen Peeve #37: Quoting Out of Context
“Jane Austen said it best,” a blogger for the Christian Post asserts in a recent piece on Biblical approaches to friendship. " ‘There is...

Deborah Yaffe
Nov 28, 2013
Giving thanks for Jane Austen
As a concept, gratitude is important to Jane Austen: Elizabeth feels it for Darcy when she learns what he's done for Lydia; Sir Thomas...

Deborah Yaffe
Sep 18, 2013
Hey Jane
Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen’s most popular novel. It’s the one that gets assigned in high school, makes the top-novels-of-all-time...
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