Deborah YaffeJan 16, 2023Another Janeite goodbyeThe game of adapting Jane Austen’s novels for the screen has drawn some gifted and illustrious players. In 1940, the renowned novelist...
Deborah YaffeJan 12, 2023Alumni reunionsOver the holidays, my family settled in for a screening of that sublime romcom Notting Hill. When the movie ended (“I’m just a girl,...
Deborah YaffeJan 2, 2023Better luck this time?Nearly five years ago, a Canadian lawyer named Tara Rout floated the notion of buying Luckington Court, the UK mansion that played...
Deborah YaffeDec 26, 2022UnintimidatedJust in case all the usual reasons to admire Ukrainians -- courage, grit, unshakeable commitment to democracy – aren’t enough for you,...
Deborah YaffeDec 15, 2022High-camp Jane AustenAfter a year that brought not one but two same-sex updates of Pride and Prejudice, we probably don’t need further proof that the queering...
Deborah YaffeDec 12, 2022Boy meets pigBy now, we know that the Pride and Prejudice formula—opposites attract, enemies to lovers, snobby-meets-snarky—accommodates many...
Deborah YaffeNov 28, 2022Regency realityFor some Janeites, fandom entails an intense engagement with the material details of Austen’s world. These Janeites are the people who...
Deborah YaffeNov 24, 2022QuackAs luck would have it, my family’s Thanksgiving guest list this year will once again consist of none but our four selves. And just as we...
Deborah YaffeNov 17, 2022Not so timelessAs regular blog readers know, among my favorite pastimes is mocking the internet for its habit of attributing quotations from screen...
Deborah YaffeNov 7, 2022SlushToday, it’s called the slush pile: the tottering heap of unsolicited manuscripts that clog the mailboxes—these days, the email boxes—of...
Deborah YaffeOct 31, 2022Scary monstersHappy Halloween, Janeites! Although Austen wrote no scenes of trick-or-treating, pumpkin-carving, or gorging on candy corn, she certainly...
Deborah YaffeOct 20, 2022Drinking gameThis fall and winter, every Janeite workweek starts with “Austen Monday”—the evening on which the Rosenbach, Philadelphia’s museum and...