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Journalist and author
The Line of Thought
. . . to dream over books and loiter at street corners and let the line of thought dip deep into the stream.
--Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own

Deborah Yaffe
Mar 17, 2022
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away – in other words, in mid-2019 -- I wrote about a traveling exhibition of costumes from Jane...

Deborah Yaffe
Dec 27, 2021
Ending on a high note
This past year, we can probably all agree, hasn’t been one of the planet’s best. But there’s still time to end 2021 on a happier note –...

Deborah Yaffe
Dec 20, 2021
Austen women
Jane Austen isn’t just for girls, of course, but the Austenesque tidbits that the internet has tossed my way lately happen to focus on...

Deborah Yaffe
Nov 1, 2021
While you were sleeping. . .
It’s the start of a new month, and thus the perfect time to update some old stories: * All dressed up: Over the summer, New York...

Deborah Yaffe
Oct 7, 2021
Dancing with Willoughby
Who’s Your Favorite Darcy is, by now, a classic Janeite pastime, pitting fervent Firthians against zealous MacFadyenites, while small but...

Deborah Yaffe
Aug 30, 2021
Quill and paper
In Sense and Sensibility, as Janeites will recall, Elinor Dashwood and her rival, Lucy Steele, spend a tense evening sparring genteelly...

Deborah Yaffe
Aug 26, 2021
Unlike so many novelists of the Victorian period, Jane Austen didn’t publish her books in serial form. The first readers of, say, David...

Deborah Yaffe
Jul 22, 2021
Persuasion everywhere
Persuasion is having quite a year. Last December, a charmless modern update called Modern Persuasion – the dull, on-the-nose title gave...

Deborah Yaffe
Feb 22, 2021
Three weeks, three books (or is it four?)
Jane Austen sightings are like buses: Sometimes, you don’t get one for ages, and sometimes, they come in bunches. These last few weeks...

Deborah Yaffe
Dec 17, 2020
Eternal verities
Despite the strangeness of this year, some eternal verities remain. Snowflakes. Evergreens. Misquoting Jane Austen. A few highlights of...

Deborah Yaffe
Apr 2, 2020
Keeping up with the Kambridges
Trendy fashion accessories come and go. One year, it’s thigh-high red boots and black berets; the next it’s purple shoes and tiny...

Deborah Yaffe
Mar 16, 2020
No one in Jane Austen’s novels becomes infected with a coronavirus, but that doesn’t mean she has nothing to say on the subject that now...
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