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Better late than never. . .

Writer's picture: Deborah YaffeDeborah Yaffe

Squee! Only nine months late (but who’s counting?) my nine-disc, gazillion-hour edition of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries finally arrived this week.

LBD, a witty and romantic web series that updated the story of Pride and Prejudice to twenty-something tech entrepreneurs in California, won tens of thousands of fans during its online run in 2012-13.

After an epic Kickstarter campaign that raised nearly eight times more than its $60,000 goal, LBD’s creators set out to produce a DVD package. Those of us who forked over a $55 pledge were told to expect our discs in July. Of 2013.

Judging from the apologetic updates that landed in my in-box with some regularity, turning dozens of hours of web content into a slickly packaged DVD is. . .more work than you’d expect.

But finally I’m the proud owner of all one hundred of LBD’s five-minute core episodes, plus assorted spinoffs and DVD extras. (I’ll skip the gag reels, but count me in for the inside scoop on the casting and the writing.)

Now all I need is a very long weekend. . .


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