The new feature-film adaptation of Emma opened this past weekend, but not, alas, in my neck of the woods, where we proles must wait until the March 6 wide release. Nonetheless, reviews have made clear that the new movie’s visual language is among its most notable elements. At least five internet headlines (here, here, here, here, and here) describe the movie as “stylish,” while the New York Times opines that it could have been made “using Wes Anderson software,” which will sound delightful or appalling in exact proportion to your tolerance for The Grand Budapest Hotel. The look of the latest Emma is, of course, the responsibility of its director, Autumn de Wilde, but perhaps it’s no surprise that her star, Anya Taylor-Joy, seems to have a – what’s the word I want? Adventurous? -- sensibility of her own. Goodness knows I’m no fashion expert, as the most cursory glance in my closet will confirm, but some of the outfits Taylor-Joy has selected for her Emma publicity duties strike me as way out on a limb. The vintage Bob Mackie wedding gown she wore to the film’s Los Angeles premiere is quite lovely, I’ll grant you:

But this Zimmermann number she wore to a London photo session seems over the top to me:

And the sequined Moschino duo she chose for a session in Beverly Hills downright repels me:

Though perhaps my least favorite is the Halpern leopard-print-trimmed black puffball she wore to promote the movie on Good Morning America:

So -- yeah. You won't catch me wearing any of these any time soon. But then, as someone once said, one half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.
Feb 24 2020 10:54PM by D. D. Syrdal
Well. #2 looks like "Little House on the Prairie" gone wrong, #3 is like Joan Collins in the "Dynasty" years. #4 seems to be her bid to follow in Lady Gaga's footsteps. Agreed on #1, however.
Feb 25 2020 04:12PM by Deborah Yaffe
Ha! Love your summings-up. I keep wondering if there are fashion-forward people out there who actually love these looks. . .
Feb 26 2020 03:57AM by bibi
Oh, no! She stole my design plan for this year's AGM... ��
Feb 27 2020 12:02AM by Deborah Yaffe
Feb 26 2020 10:01AM by Marcia
I actually love that she's having fun and really mixing it up style-wise! Somebody placed #1 next to an Audrey Hepburn dress in My Fair Lady, and made a convincing argument for that as an homage. I like #2, and I love #4! But I agree about #3! The "anatomically correct" painting is Picasso meets tacky, lol.
Feb 27 2020 12:03AM by Deborah Yaffe
I told you I know nothing about fashion! But I love your analysis of #3 -- "Picasso meets tacky" is priceless. . .